Mixer mode like in MixColors

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Mixer mode like in MixColors

Post by okuma_10 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:24 am

Just to put this out so the developers can think about it.
Maybe add a "technical" mode to the mixer that will be more like the MixColors from the makers of MagicPicker.
I downloaded the trial and tested on an older version of PS(since many people complained that MC does not support newer versions of PS).And to be honest I like the concept behind it.Even though I had my art training as traditional trainer.I kind of disliked the option that I can to mix colors in Painter's mixer panel.Same goes for PSS.I guess some people like it.But I my digital training was to mix colors by sliders and using the HSB square/triangle.So such a method where I modulate my color by adding another color and adjusting the percentage it mixes,feels like something really useful.
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Re: Mixer mode like in MixColors

Post by neowolf » Fri Sep 25, 2015 1:54 pm

Hi okuma ! Thanks for show Magic picker and Mix Color, give some really good ideas ! :D

I have background on traditional painting too, and I don't like the mixer. The reason is, too many clicks until I find the right color, I lose so much time mixing colors there.That's why I love sliders, better feedback, faster and I can go back and forward to find the right color. :lol:

I do like what PaintStorm have on Swatchs called Quad Gradient, Light Gradient and Mult Blend, but I never use it...
Too many click: pick color, bucket on square, pick again, bucket... until I get the right color.
I think this have lot of potential to be a Mixer, not a Swatch. It need to be more interactive and give real time feed back choosing color. :geek:

About the MixColor, I'm not sure I like it, but I saw the MagicPicker Tone Lock for colors, it looks the brightness the way it should, never saw in any program this. :shock: :shock: Here is the youtube link, hard to explain in words. https://youtu.be/3zAfu7xE-Jw

tldr: Turn PainStorm swatch Quad Gradient etc into a mixer.
Not try to simulate traditional paint mixer, take advantage of digital media for that.
Add MixColor Tone Lock feature.
Brace yourselfs, Paintstorm is coming !
Joined:Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:50 pm

Re: Mixer mode like in MixColors

Post by okuma_10 » Fri Sep 25, 2015 8:47 pm

Well what I like in MixColor is the that concept of manipulating your color.Like you have a color A,and you want to mix it with color B in proportion.In a mixer you have to blend the two colors and hope you pick in the correct spot.While having a slider to decide and visual feedback is something far more better.I agree that MixColor's UI and rules are kind of non user friendly.As you said it takes too much clicking here and there.So if such a concept is to be considered.We must think of a solution.
As for that Tone Lock.Yeah it's pretty neat.They have the same in Coolorus.I think Coolorus is superior to the MagicPicker.Just my opinion.I usually have the "Tone Lock" or Luminosity Lock in Coolorus,turned on.Helps a lot when I just need a slightly different hue and making sure that the relative brightness is the same helps a lot.It's one solution to what you call too many clicks,since you can do this process yourself.
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