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a software called BlackInk

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:03 am
by okuma_10
I came up to this software the other day called BlackInk.And I think the dev's should look at it.I think some of the guys there are thinking the right way.
For example...I remember maybe two years ago,posting an idea in Corel Painter's forum,about nodal based brush creation.The concept was something that was already established in other softwares,and showed a big freedom in behavior creation.Back then the reply I got from the guys there was that it was really non user friendly.But as if the BlackInk guys either saw my post or just came with the same idea on their own,they made their brush creation in nodal based system.Which is really awesome.And I think it has a big potential for making a "new age" brush engine that might be more effective in making artists create cool marks in their works.
Aside from that, the software is all GPU driven and they claim that because of this,painting in it runs smoothly up to 10K images.Which is one criticism I have.I downloaded the trial and in the trial you cannot make your canvas bigger or even create a new one with a big size to test this "speed" of theirs.And above the other restrictions they have a timer which times how long you have to try the software.I mean that's stupid.A timer would be enough for protection by my opinion.And maybe removing the save and save as functions.
But one thing I fell in love with immediately was the lasso tool.And that's what I was talking about when I mean having a cool vector rendered lasso tool that has some interesting and convenient options.Like making the dashed lines less transparent,therefore less aggressive on the eye.Also an option that makes the stuff outside the selection overlayed with a color which makes it really easy to see where your selection is and what it is.And if you do a lot of selections...sometimes when you are zoomed in and invert the are wondering had PS or any other software inverted the selection or it just did not register the command.
One thing I did not like however,was how pressure was registered by the software.I was really interested in the simple thick black line that will be a good inking/line work tool.Sadly while it starts as it should.In the end of the stroke, lifting the pen, resulted in a horrible stop of the shape of the brush where the last used pressure level,before the quick lifting, remained with no tapering as it should be.Also I did notice some lag in brushes when a lot of nodes were connected.
In the end I think it's worth looking at.I think the developers there have a good concept for a "modern" and "better" painting 2D software should look and act like.

Re: a software called BlackInk

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 9:55 am
by support
Of-course we know about this soft. Black ink have amazing engine, very fast, but right now Black ink seems more interesting toy then real drawing software. Anyway it have many interesting features.

Re: a software called BlackInk

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:05 pm
by okuma_10
Yeah I agree,it's more like a toy at this stage than actual working software.More like an open experiment on the whole brush engine and GPU driven software.
They claim once it's finished it will be worth far more.But still I think it's overpriced for a beta.Non the less it threads on a ground where few developers have decided to go.