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a few options to suggest

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 7:44 am
by The.Great.ESCape
It would be nice to have some randomization options for cloning as in...sample average color per stroke instead of just a pure copy of all pixels... also variations to color via tinting sample per stroke for example... saturation etc. Possibly a variable length to smear sample or even displace sample.

Adding variation to cloning allows possibility to quickly create similar but not identical image components i.e foliage, rocks, ground cover. In other words more painterly cloning options would be lovely. Also the ability to scale cloning... possibly even linking scale to guides would be cool.

Would also be great to have those vector tools which you are working on. hopefully vector techniques can be used to enhance selection tools as well. Cloning with selection as target would be nice as well. hopefully we can even get more than one type of vector tool to work with. B-splines are fun in many cases.

I've been noodling around with PSS, and it's fun. I love that you have perspective scaling.... been suggesting that feature to other software designers for a while. So far as I know, PSS and Project Dogwaffle are the only paint apps to have anything like that. it's pretty slick and usable so far. the custom palettes could use some grid snapping options to help with aligning tools in them... would also help prevent overlapping bounding boxes which can cause issues. Oh, having some options in the font sizing in the UI would be nice.

anyhow... keep up the good work