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Buying through Steam

Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2017 12:39 pm
by blackrox
Hello, can I ask if there is any progress on selling paintstorm through steam? Cause today I tried paintstorm and found it quite suitable for my needs. But then I learned it uses HW ID as protection. I travel a lot and change PCs a lot, so it's not an option for me (to send the hardware ID everytime I change PCs). With steam I have always instant access to my favorite tools like blender or substance painter. If not for steam at least are there plans for windows store?

Re: Buying through Steam

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:40 pm
by support
We plan it, but I can give any exact dates.

Re: Buying through Steam

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:32 pm
by cestarian
Yes this would be quite helpful, but right now paintstorm is quite cheap, I just bought 3 licenses so I can have it on all my computers (to me I thought it was easily worth $60-100, so I don't mind) but right now apparently you can change your license once per week between computers, so if you have spare licenses maybe that will work out for you in the meantime. I mean come on, it's just $30 for 2 more licenses, I wish I'd bought 4 instead of 3, but I hesitated when I first bought it.

Still in the long term, a steam version might be better in the end, and I think it would be ok when the steam version is released to slightly bump up the price too (at least $40)