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Floating Preview Window

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:16 am
by upheaver

I bought PaintStorm and migrated from Photoshop, loving it so far!

I am using a dual monitor setup, painting on wacom cintiq and a large preview monitor above.
It would be great to be able to preview the current canvas in a separate floating window (without any ui, just zoom + pan + fullscreen), so I can have a clean view of my work, similar to Photoshop's Window > Arrange > New Window for Filename.

The second feature I would like to suggest is adding image drag and drop support into the mixer and reference panels, so you can just drag pictures from your desktop into the mixer or reference windows.


My most recent painting:

Re: Floating Preview Window

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 3:56 am
by offrecord
I also need a second floating view. I would love this feature as well!

I'm currently using a 13" cintiq, and create another floating view on a 24" FHD monitor because 13" is too small while I need to constantly check the whole composition/fluency. I create manga for print so the resolution is often setting to 600 dpi. Using a 13" monitor to inspect all the details is simply not enough.

I've searched this forum before, the suggestion to similar question is to use a reference panel. But the reference panel only stays in paintstorm window. results about a pitiful 6" full view and a 6" zooming view, which is not ideal. Let alone the need for some extra space for other panels... :(

While 13"-16" cintiq are still the most affordable pen displays for lots young artists in my country (Taiwan), dual monitor setup should be a common solution so far to help us create works efficiently. So please consider adding this feature, thank you!

Re: Floating Preview Window

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 10:31 am
by support
Good news guys, this feature will come in the nearest release. You will able to move all panels separately from the main window. (But will not able to create separate documents... but reference panel will be able to be detached :) )

Re: Floating Preview Window

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:11 am
by Gustavo Muñoz
Awesome, this is a big improvement. Thank you.

Re: Floating Preview Window

Posted: Thu Apr 12, 2018 7:58 am
by offrecord
Hooray! This is a super good news to me. Thank you!

Re: Floating Preview Window

Posted: Fri Apr 13, 2018 9:25 am
by keshymarkyz
How about these floating previews which can manage those effectively

Re: Floating Preview Window

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 8:54 pm
by upheaver
Just tested 2.21, a good improvement but that still does not help my case - I can't seem to drag the reference window to another screen, or beyond the bounds of paintstorm studio. It seems the app forces the reference window to always be inside the bounds of the application - can we have a way to switch that off?

Re: Floating Preview Window

Posted: Wed May 16, 2018 9:28 am
by support
upheaver wrote:Just tested 2.21, a good improvement but that still does not help my case - I can't seem to drag the reference window to another screen, or beyond the bounds of paintstorm studio. It seems the app forces the reference window to always be inside the bounds of the application - can we have a way to switch that off?
not in 2.21, in the next, it will coming soon :)