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[LINUX] PSS ignores my custom keyboard layout

Posted: Sat Jun 16, 2018 1:49 am
by adhihargo
I've used PSS on Windows without a hitch, but noticed an issue when I use it on Ubuntu 18.04: it seems to read keypresses directly and ignores any user attempt to remap it.

I had a repetitive-strain injury after years of using Ctrl key in its original position, so I remap it through gnome-tweaks (Caps Lock behavior > Caps Lock is also a Ctrl, and Ctrl position > Caps Lock as Ctrl). Paintstorm Studio ignores this customization, so atm I can't use it without throbbing pain on my left pinkie.

Some operations can be remapped to tablet keys (Ctrl+Z for Undo), but too many operations rely on Ctrl key that remapping them all is not feasible. Please have Paintstorm Studio read customizations, at very least read X keyboard mapping configuration (xmodmap).
