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Bugs with hotkeys/layer saving

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:18 pm
by Justaguy
I'm reposting this, since I never got a reply on the original post.
Ok, so I've been experiencing the following 2 bugs for a while now:
- This one is pretty minor, but for whatever reason PSS doesn't save the locked state of a layer, when I reopen the file, all the layers I locked become unlocked again.
- This one is more annoying:
There's a feature that allows you to set the changing of any brush parameter (like changing size, etc.) to a button, by pressing RMB on the parameter. I've got brush resize set to 'a' and 'd'. So the issue is, that whenever I reopen the program and try to use the hotkeys I set, the brush bugs out and the brush tip disappears, making it completely unusable until I relaunch the program. At that point the brush resets, but the minimum amount for the, in this case, brush size, is set to zero, so I have to readjust it every time.
This bug does not occur, if you first move the slider with your cursor normally, before using the hotkey. It works as intended afterwards.
I really hope you fix this, it's been there ever since I remember using that feature.
Thanks, this really is an amazing piece of software, I'm very excited for the future additions!

Re: Bugs with hotkeys/layer saving

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 2:10 pm
by support
1)In PSS file format layers are locked
2)Your are not first who reported about this bug, but I can't repeat it. Maybe you've set some special "speed" fro these hotkeys?