iPad version

Paintstorm iPad version is the port of Paintstorm PC version, there are few things changed special for iPad version:


iPad version has own price and not connected to PC license system. iPad license connected to your “apple id”. You can’t transfer a license from iPad to PC and vice versa.


In iPad version, you can choose 2 types of hotkeys: hotkeys for external keyboard and the Hot buttons

Default UI hot buttons:

To change position or resize hot buttons use two fingers gesture: Put one finger on the button and second on every place near it, then start to drag. (Be sure that global locker  is unlocked)

The Global locker button saves UI from accidental shifts, better lock it in process of drawing and unlocks only on UI setup.

If you lose some UI elements you can restore it in Menu-Other-Reset to default-Reset panels layout

SHIFT and CTRL keys: you can also enable this system buttons in the “define hotkeys” panel



iPad version has additional Gestures directory in the menu-file-options:


There are 3 ways to save/load files in iPad version:
– iTunes (inner memory)
– iCloud
– Camera roll (Photo gallery)

You can also choose Dropbox or Documents folders in the iCloud sub-menu.



Drawing by finger: If you once touch canvas by Apple pencil – the “Enable stylus” options is turning on. In this case, you can’t draw by finger, But you can disable this options manually in Menu-File-Enable stylus. (You can’t draw by Pen and finger in one time)

Save on Exit: We recommend to close Paintstorm by Menu-File-Exit. If you force close it from iPad submenu Paintstorm will try to save all opened documents, but this process dedicated time is limited.