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Suggestions: Masks, Merging and Duplication

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2015 7:33 am
by sullyman

First off, I can't say enough good things about Paintstorm! I'm thoroughly impressed with the initial releases and excited for what the future has to hold for this wonderful tool! I hope my long winded list doesn't offend.

I do have a few suggestions:

1. Being able to duplicate a selection by using the photoshop hotkey (Ctrl+J) which would create a new layer with the selections data.

Be able to merge a layer down onto a layer that has a mask applied to it. Currently, I cannot merge down a layer with another layer that has a mask applied to it. Also, I cannot merge down a layer with a mask applied to it.

When merging a layer down, Top layers visibility changes to the layer below it (ie: Top layer visible, bottom layer not visible > top merged down and becomes not visible after merge / should retain it's original setting)

Editing Masks: In photoshop you can "Alt" click a mask to isolate and edit the mask in black & white fashion, would love to see this.

5. Quickly duplicating masks: I have a need for duplicating masks to newly created layers, in photoshop I complete this task by "Alt" click and dragging the mask thumbnail on to the layer that needs the new mask.

Copy Merged: Photoshop has the option to copy all visible by the hotkeys "Ctlr+Shift+C" and that allows you to make a selection and then copy then paste all visible into a new layer.

7. Multiple layer selections.

Clipping mask link to layer: Being able to "Alt" click a layer to lock it's transparency to the layer below it.

Again, thank you for any interest you might take in my suggestions and look forward to any feedback. You have gained a true fan of your software!


Re: Suggestions: Masks, Merging and Duplication

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2015 2:07 pm
by support
Thank you for suggestions, it's very important for us.