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suggestion to improve gamut masking

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 7:18 pm
by rattsang
I only found out about paintstorm studio a few days ago, but so far im blown away by what it can do.

I was amazed to see your software has gamut masking. what a great feature. I do feel it can be improved from its current state. At the moment as far as i cant tell you can limit saturation and value. While this is great for keying paintings i.e. a high keyed painting where your darkest value might be a a 7 on a scale of 1(white)-10(black) the same way you would in real a painting mix a lighter color with your black on your palette before you start applying paint to the canvas. However it is not so good for gamut masking i.e. limiting Hue, saturation and value gamut masking is used to color key paintings or to harmonize the color palette.

color keying is like applying a color filter to a image where it tints the whole image towards a certain hue. in traditional painting it can be achieved by mixing a little of your "dominate color" into all your other pigments before starting the painting.

harmonizing the color palette is a way of painting that sets up a color dominance relationship in the painting. a basic version of this would be a 3 hue palette where one color has very high saturation range, one had a medium saturation range and the last has a very limited saturation range.
i have included an example of one of my paintings and the gamut mask i used to make it. notice there are only very saturated yellows in the painting all the other colors are very muted.
the lemon tree.png
the lemon tree.png (456.84KiB)Viewed 2368 times
while painting are sometimes limited in value it is far more common to limit hue and saturation, so i have made a design for a new color panel that specifically allows full gamut masking. I am not a programmer so I have no idea how hard this would be to implement.

gamutmaskingwriting.png (185.05KiB)Viewed 2368 times

the 'selected color' is taken from the selected hue combined with the selected value

the 'hue ring' is no longer used to select hues for painting. in my panel it is used to determine which/how many hues are displayed in the 'saturation wheel'. these show up on the 'hue ring' as 'hue points'. click on a point to select it then press 'delete' to remove it, click and drag to change a points hue.

the saturation wheel is made up of hues selected on the 'hue ring' with the 'hue points' the center circle of the ring is a middle grey then each ring section gets more saturated as it moves out towards the pure colors at the outer edge of the circle.

the 'unselectable colors' are the colors out of the gamut masks range.

mask points are how you determine the saturation of each color. they can be selected, dragged and deleted just like the 'hue points'. clicking on 'add mask point' and then clicking on a line between 2 existing 'mask points' adds a new point.

clicking on 'add hue point' and then clicking on the 'hue ring' between 2 existing 'hue points' adds a new point.

value selection bar is where you select how light or dark the hue you previously selected in the saturation wheel is.(would recommend this bar being colorized with the 'selected hue/saturation')

'set value low point' can be moved to the right to exclude lighter values so they cannot be selected

'set value high point' can be moved to the left to exclude darker values so they cannot be selected

'preset mask shapes' are default masks that can quickly be edited by dragging the 'mask points'

here is a a pic of it without writing and one also with the 'saturation wheel' uncovered
gamutmaskingunmasked.png (150.59KiB)Viewed 2368 times
gamutmasking.png (144.1KiB)Viewed 2368 times

hopefully you can understand what i am trying to explain here also sorry for the long post- i kept it as short as possible.

Re: suggestion to improve gamut masking

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 10:34 am
by support
Yes, we already have this suggestion. Maybe we'll realize it one day.