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[Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2019 5:28 am
by kaeru
Hello ! Love the software and purchased, it is wonderful !

I have read in some of the topics that fleshing out the dual brush is already something that is planned. I would like to suggest something specific !

When using a dual brush: have the second brush be able to mask EACH TIP of the current brush vs using the whole stroke as the mask. In other words, have every step of the brush A be masked by the corresponding step of brush B. Naturally this only works if the steps are locked together.

I suggest a checkbox called "Mask Each Tip" or just "Each Tip" next to Mask that would lock and sync the steps of both brushes together and allow the functionality.

I hope this idea will be considered, it is a function in other painter programs and allows for very nice dual brushes (artstudio pro).

Thank you!

Re: [Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 9:33 am
by support
can you show some images: what you finally want to get? Example of usage.

Re: [Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:48 pm
by kaeru
After more experimentation with the program, I was able to achieve the effects I was looking for !

However I did take a moment to record the behavior I was trying to fix, just for reference.
dualbrush.gif (122.94KiB)Viewed 8073 times
Thanks to the 2 separate Angle controls and squeeze controls on a non-round brush, most of the effects I were looking for are possible without using a dual brush at all. Thank you for your time, and sorry if this suggestion was not useful !

Re: [Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 8:28 pm
by kaeru
Actually I am still having trouble getting this to work. Here is another example of how I would like the dual brush to behave:

by having the angle on the first brush set to spin at a constant rate and the squeeze of the second brush set to the pen tilt (or other controller)

Re: [Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 3:43 pm
by support
hm, it's possible, set "transition" controller (with sequence checkbox) to the Angle2 slider of a second(mask) brush.

Re: [Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:16 am
by kaeru
I will give that a try ! Thank you !

However the issue of only being able to mask on the stroke level will still be like in my animated gif, with weird corners where the stroke touches itself and the mask bleeds over.

Even without using dual brush, the app is amazing, though ! Just be aware of this behavior if it's not intended.


Re: [Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 10:03 am
by support
1)In current version(2.42) mask brushes still not support GPU and works slow (we'll try to enable GPU for it)
2)set stabilizer 0 to the 2nd brush (or just lower than the main brush)

Re: [Suggestion] Dual Brush: Mask Each Tip

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 5:18 pm
by kaeru
Thank you for the helpful suggestions ! I appreciate your responses very much !

I'm actually really excited to hear that there is still so much performance potential to the dual brush !
