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LCH color sliders

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 10:07 am
by talos_d
Hey it's probably a long shot for this to be implemented but it would be nice to have lightness chroma and hue sliders
instead of the HSV implemented in paintstorm,the reason is that when you paint picking the value and then tweaking the hue and chroma
is more convenient than playing with the hsv(the v slider in the hsv stands for brightness of light and not actual value of color) or rgb sliders.
Gimp has the best color sliders in my opinion because it actually visualizes with what value the chroma peaks with each hue,
since the gimp code is free maybe there is a possiblity to port how they implemented their solution to paintstorm.
Also photoshop has lab sliders which offer a simillar workflow of picking value and then tweaking the color.

this is the sliders that gimp has:

this is how it is visualized in the color picker(the chroma peaks at different values)

if would really be cool to have something like this is paintstorm.

Re: LCH color sliders

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2020 5:12 pm
by IgorS
Actually, it is not first time when suggestion to make color picker with visually real corresponding between max chroma/saturation and value is came up. I think it was 3 years ago. ... f=5&t=4485 ... f=5&t=4181

There are software I know where it is already implemented: Krita's "Artistic Color Picker", MyPaint's "HCY Wheel", Rebelle "HSLuv" color selector, and you have mentioned the Gimp's sliders/picker.