- Color Lib panel: Moving a folder doen't work (with arrows or drag and drop)
- The position of my individual placed hotkeys and some panels have suddenly moved / changed
in a strange way (not to the default, but kind of half tiled to left and right area)
If I remember right, it was after making a split view with another app - Hotkey "Redo"-Button shows no effect (and not highlighted if pressed)
- Hotkeys CTRL and SHIFT couldn't be moved/resized and are not highlighted if pressed
(I've tried to use it for zooming inside the reference window) - Renaming Colors should not show a empty field "Enter text" but the previous color name.
It's much easier if you have just a typo and doesn't need to type the whole words again
2 littles issues and 3 bugs (?)
I've found these issues / bugs (on iOS 12 / iPad Pro)