Dragging and opening shortcut files
Hi. So this is a feature I'm missing in the app. I keep a large folder of all the reference images I use for painting. Rather than copying files from that folder into the folder of the current project I'm working on I like to create shortcuts to save space. Paintstorm can open those shortcuts but not with the drag and drop function. It would just make things a little easier if that was possible
Re: Dragging and opening shortcut files
I understand you, but store many opened files... not very comfortable to work. I suggest better to create a large collage file with all your refs and use Hand(Space) and zoom ctrl+space to navigate in ref panel. So you can save this file as work-reference.psd for example.
Re: Dragging and opening shortcut files
Well, I do that too when I need many references for a specific thing. But sometimes I just want to have easy access to specific files. Seems to me that dragging and opening shortcut files wouldn't be a major thing to implement since we can already do it with normal files.