Hello ! The more I use Paintstorm Studio the more I discover it's secrets and the more I love it ! Thank you for making such a wonderful painting oriented program.
The suggestion I would like to present is a Lock Luminosity or Preserve Luminosity in the brush's color settings.
I have a brush with a slight hue randomization between strokes. It creates a nice colour abstraction when filling a space with many individual strokes. It works wonderfully but it could be better if there was a way to lock or preserve the luminosity strokes. The goal would be that no line is perceived as darker or lighter than another because of the randomization. I am not sure of the exact implementation of it, or how it would affect the other color controls, but please consider this idea.
Thank you again for your hard work ! I find myself recommending Paintstorm Studio to every artist I talk to XD
here is a video showing Hue Jitter with Preserve Luminosity in action, in Artstudio Pro (with timestamp). The only purpose of the video link is to show the feature in action and how it's implemented in other software ! The rest of the video is not relevant.
[Suggestion] Hue Jitter with Preserve Luminosity
Re: [Suggestion] Hue Jitter with Preserve Luminosity
Hello again ! Please forgive me for bumping this suggestion, I was just curious if it was considered and deemed unfeasible or if you might look at this idea again some day.
Please stay safe, thank you for your amazing work and thank you for the recent update !!
Please stay safe, thank you for your amazing work and thank you for the recent update !!
Re: [Suggestion] Hue Jitter with Preserve Luminosity
I think the hue Jitter with Preserve Luminosity it's an amazing idea and would be really helpfull, especially on skintones.
Re: [Suggestion] Hue Jitter with Preserve Luminosity
This task is unreachable HSL, HSB, HSV - nothing of this can give one luma of the different colors. We can only apply approximately coefficient to some color sectors. So don't want to create something uncontrollable.