1- Export Hotkeys : im not sure if this is possible ( maybe its a file on the installation folder i have to move ), but an export option would be nice for the whole program configuration ( panel colors , also the brushes, an all in one pack )
2- a Photoshop Pen tool / or a better way to control the lasso tool. so its more precise.
3- a way to save different selection shapes we draw with the lasso tool / pen tool : so, in photoshop there is the Paths window, where we can save the pen tool selections we make to edit the selected part later.
4- a Levels Graph. just to see and easily adjust them.
5- Something interesting from the James gurney book : a Gamut Mast creator. it says if you create triangle ( or other ) shapes on the color wheel
( a color wheel with gray on the middle ) you create a great color palette.
Here's an online one http://www.livepaintinglessons.com/gamutmask.php
also i remember this program where you drop an image and it tells you where are the colors of the image in the color wheel
https://cr10blog.blogspot.pe/2013/02/kgamut.html would be nice to have those features on Paintstorm.
what do you guys think ? thanks.